Terms and conditions
The user accepts the terms and conditions, which we can modify with prior notice, otherwise, suspend use.
The user can contact Cabo Insight through the website, email or phone call, in order to request information about our services, contract or make changes. Therefore, it is prohibited to send information about projects, promotions, services, procedures, methods, techniques, phrases, ideas, designs or any other information for any purpose that is not requested. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE OWNER DOES NOT ASSUME ANY OBLIGATIONS AND WILL NOT MODIFY OR COMPENSATE THE USER. ALL AGREEMENTS, NOTICES AND INFORMATION SENT TO USER BY EMAIL, COMPLY WITH LEGAL REQUIREMENTS AS IF THEY HAD BEEN MADE IN WRITING.
Web site
The information on the website may have typographical errors, mistranslation into English, or be out of date. We may make changes as soon as possible without prior notice.
By using our services, the user accepts that they are of legal age in their country of residence. It's not allowed impersonate another person or entity, provide false information, send, distribute, broadcast, publish or disclose obscene, indecent, illegal or threatening information that may degrade or defame, harass our users or staff.